Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Mr. Rabbit and the Rain.

The breeze blows across the meadow.
The grass bends and sways.
The animal's ears perk up.
The wind carries a message, a message of calm, calm before the storm.
The sky, now murky, filled with moisture awaiting it's descent.
The rain falls on all it sees.
Washing away things and eroding the ground to new shapes.
The animals scurry for thier shelter from the rain.
They know there is no avoiding what the storm has brought them.
The sky clears as the murk turns to clear rays and gentle breeze.
They leave their places of shelter to see what the has brought them.
A new refreshed earth clean and bright for the next day.
Unafraid Mr. Rabbit hops out in the sun and enjoys the beauty of the new day with no fear.