Monday, January 30, 2023

Making homemade yummies...

The start of some yummy homemade mashed potatoes 😁

The Black Cauldron (1985)

Disney's draft nearly recieved a R rating due to one graphic and gory deleted scene where one of the guards turns into a zombie.

When the cat notices

When Roe catches me looking over his shoulder when he is trying to check his social media.🤣


Sometimes life happens and posting to social media is not on the slate that day. 

Seems like it has been those kind of days the few past days.


Daily Dose of Calvin and Hobbes

via Calvin and Hobbes

Daily does of the Garfield

via Garfield

Friday, January 27, 2023

"Wolf in the Fold"

"Wolf in the Fold," written by Robert Bloch, is one among the best episodes of Star Trek. A good mystery with an exciting premise. But what many probably don't realize is that the killer reveals himself BEFORE the big revelation later in the episode.
(SPOILERS) After Yeoman Tankris is killed while taking readings from Scotty, the group assembles in the main room, with Mr. Hengist (John Fiedler), arriving last, and two others. During the conversation, Captain Kirk says "There's been another murder, Hengist. One of my crew." Karas (Charles Macaulay) then says "The same as Kara (the first victim). A sentence or two later, Hengist asks "How was the girl killed?"
You'll notice at no point in the conversation did anyone mention the sex of the second victim. So how could Hengist know, unless....
Later, Hengist trips up again. No further details were provided to him concerning the second murder, yet he says "Need I remind you of the circumstances, Captain. In both cases, your friend Scott was discovered over the body. And later, claimed to remember nothing."
You'll notice that Mr. Spock is absent - still on board the Enterprise. I get the feeling this was not an accident, because if anyone could have quickly picked up on that, it would be Spock.
This is a true mystery in the classic sense, because Robert Bloch provides a few subtle clues allowing those who are paying attention to deduce the killer's identity early. But I'll confess it took me many viewings of episode before I noticed the clues.


Couldn't be bothered...

Giving a new game a try...

Wifey and I decided to venture and try a new game this evening. I know it has been out for a few years, but we just now decided to give it a try... while we wait for Hogwarts Legacy.🤣

D&D won’t change the OGL, handing fans and third-party publishers a massive victory

Wifey and Hoban time...

Wifey went to lay down and take a nap and Hoban decided it was his cuddle up nap time too. 🤣💕

Random calendar fact

Daily Dose of Calvin and Hobbes

via Calvin and Hobbes

Daily does of the Garfield

via Garfield

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Survivors Unite

Scaring the cat...

That unexpected moment when your trying to let a fart out quick and quitely...  but it rattles the wall and scares the cat out of the room and you are waiting for everyone's reaction.

Less Pitt Depp More Fraser

Stop talking about 90's Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt and start talking about 90's Brendan Fraser. 

Time in the library

Bread has its levels

Wrestling elite.

The black single strapped singlet. Reserved for only an elite few throughout world wrestling history. 

Daily Dose of Calvin and Hobbes

via Calvin and Hobbes

Daily does of the Garfield

via Garfield

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

I before E

I before E except when your foreign neighbor Keith recieved eight counterfeit beige sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters. 



Hoban took advantage of Hammy's bed being empty and got all comfy.🤣

Microwave on high...

Rob Zombie looks like you microwaved Jason Momoa on high for 30 minutes.🤣

The 80's M3GAN

What time is it????

When you have been doom scrolling all night and hear birds chirping to the sunrise outside.🤣

Wampa Walk-about

I know it won't happen, but a Star Wars horror movie on Hoth with a Wampa stalking everyone. I would so watch it.

Next series to make the cut...

Wifey and I found a new series on Netflix  to watch through... How to get away with murder. We usually give a series a day run of 1 or 2 episodes. We then critique what we watched to see if we deem it binge worthy per our little check list of sorts.  This one made it onto the binge list by a marginal score. Now to see how it pans out.😁


Whatever this chair is going through I can relate. 🤣

Word spoken into existance...

Random made up word between wifey and I. It has been spoken so now it exists. 🤣

"Zesumphitment" Adj. Being full of zest with a dash of umph that is exciting.

A little racy, but hillarious!

Daily Dose of Calvin and Hobbes

via Calvin and Hobbes

Daily does of the Garfield

via Garfield

Monday, January 23, 2023

Daily Dose of Calvin and Hobbes

via Calvin and Hobbes

Daily does of the Garfield

via Garfield

Needle Point Progress...

Got a little bit more progress completed on my needle point project while rewatching Fellowship of The Ring this evening.

Simple candle

A simple candle with a match box slot I cut out. 

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Resonates so well...

When Bilbo said, "I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread." I sometimes know how he feels when I think about work some days. Dont get me wrong, I love my job and what I do... just some days I feel that a few of the other folk could step up ever once and a while... why should I be the one always "going on adventures"?

Mia in all he majesty

While sitting her enjoying a cup of coffee Mia came out to the front of the fish tank. When I went up to take her picture she flaired out her back fin. She is getting so big. 😁

A little motivation...

They are excited to serve you...

Random interesting find...