Sunday, October 28, 2018

Starlog 0400.10282018

Entry. The Daidalus 1 has returned from its voyage. Captain Hokub is not "wowing" me with his recent log entries.

- Log entry 515 arrived in Argalot system. This system seems to be controlled by the Vy'keen. It was discovered that a bounty was placed on the fleet. I, Captain Hokub, have decided to take the ship's reserve credits to pay the bounty before a band of pirates decided to do it.

- Log entry 564 Conducted negotiations with another trading fleet. During talks, agents boarded the ship and spread lies among the crew. Mutiny averted, but trade deal canceled.

- Log entry 778 Attempted to assist local Merchant Guild. Served as a neutral venue for talks between two waring trade factions. Talks broke down, fighting erupted onboard. Severed damage to ships internals [Daidalus 1 recalled home for repairs]

- Log entry 1079 Returned home to fleet. Assumed formation at capital ship and awaited debriefing and repairs.

Even though the mission was not a full success, I do give good credit to Captain Hokub and his efforts in the Vy'keen system. The Vy'keen can be brutal most times and even more so when it comes to trade deals. Repairs orders for the Daidalus 1 were approved and to be started forthwith. Tomorrow is another day and a day a new journey will present itself. Let us just hope that Captain Hokub does not continue this unfortunate trend.

End starlog...