Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Signs and Magic

Aries: People born under Aries have a natural affinity for evocation, the manipulation of natural forces like heat and light. Aries is the sign of firecallers and weather mages. While Aries have an advantage in terms of raw energy, this often comes at the cost of control.

Taurus: Taurus is a tenacious sign. Those born under Taurus have a natural resistance to the arcane. This can be a bit of a double edged sword, as it can make it more difficult to work with the more delicate forms of magic. On the other hand, this thick arcane skin can be useful for handling more dangerous, high-energy spellwork.

Gemini: If you understand how a battery works, those born under Gemini’s dualistic nature have a propensity for the quick absorption/discharge of energy. This manifests as an aptitude for counterspells and redirection. It should also be noted that the more energy one tries to channel, the higher the chance that one may overheat.

Cancer: Cancer is an attentive sign, those born under it often have a talent for the more precise forms of magic like Enchantment or Psychomancy. Cancers tend to be scalpels, not hammers. The largest obstacle a cancer will likely face is a low overall stamina when it comes to magic.

Leo: Leos burn bright. Their relationship to energy is inefficient, often resulting in unwanted side effects. The most common side effect manifests as a mild purifying effect. With practice, this can give the leo an advantage when attempting to rid themselves of unpleasant effects.

Virgo: Virgos are liminal. Their bindings to this plane of reality are a little fuzzier. This makes them adept at breaking those boundaries. Visions of the other side are not uncommon in Virgo children. Know that doors work both ways.

Libra: Libras tend to be a sort of jack-of-all-trades. With no particular astrological affinity for any sort of energy, Virgos tend to be the explorers and experimenters of the arcane arts. All energy seeks to expand. Libra’s have the most naturally harmonious relationship to magic.

Scorpio: Many Scorpio’s can go their entire life not realizing their proclivity for magic. Alchemy is an art that relies on the sort of gut instinct and intuition that actively resists careful thought. More often than not, their friends will realize alchemichal skill before they do. They just make the tea better. Nobody is really sure why.

Ophiuchus: Those born under the serpent bearer have the least harmonious relationship to magic. While this can make the initial learning significantly more difficult, it can lead to significant advantages in the underappreciated arts of unraveling, like hexes, counterspells, obfuscations of magic.

Sagittarius: Equal parts precise and explosive, those born under the archer generally have a great deal of power and control over their abilities. The most common downside to this is little to no control over the amount of energy they discharge, often leading to boughs of exhaustion.

Capricorn: Capricorn is an ever-shifting sign. The fluid nature of magic requires the ability to adapt to and understand new circumstances. Those born under Capricorns are quick learners, but their impressionable, bend-dont-break nature can make heavier lifting difficult.

Aquarius: Aquarians burn cold. Their relationship to the arcane draws energy in from their surroundings like a sponge. They are incredibly sensitive to the world around them, able to pick up on more subtle energies. This is a common sign for psychics, emapths, and those sensitive to spectral energy. If they are not careful to disenchant themselves, this sensitivity can overwhelm, leading to panic attacks and anxiety.

Pisces: Pisces tend to be fickle when it comes to energy, born with the most sensitivity but also the least control. Pisces carry an affinity for glamours, enthrallment, and charms. Untrained, this can lead to Pisces getting themselves in trouble, which is why this sign is associated with faeblood.