Saturday, June 2, 2018

Todays Awesome Thrift Find!

Today Saun and I took a Saturday trek to a flee market and some random thrift stores. We always start out with the understanding on a set dollar amount we allow ourselves so as to not go over our weekly budget. So one of our stops today was out to a flee market they were holding at the fair grounds. There were random vendors and individuals selling random old items, things they call antiques (example wash tub so rusted it is falling apart for $50), and other odds & ends. One booth had a box of old electronics in it. I stopped to browse through the box and what did I find? A Realistic Minisette-14 compact cassette recorder. I asked the nice lady how much for the tape recorder and well lets just say I paid more for a 50 cent cassette tape at a thrift shop later in the day to play in it than I did the player. Once we got home for the day I made sure the tape head was clean and the battery contacts were clean as well. I popped in some AA batteries, cracked open the, (still in the wrapper brand new cassette tape of Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra), put the tape in the player and pressed play. It sounded great and played perfect! The next thing I did was go to my desk and get out the brand new blank cassettes I had in my drawer. I replaced the big band cassette with the blank and attempted a recording check. Once again great sound and recording. All in all the player and the new tape cost me less than a soda at the gas station. I am so happy with today's find. Next step to work on putting my classic mix tape together for my love Saun old school style. Heck I might even start my memoirs on cassette, lol!