Monday, May 14, 2018

Peregrin Took - A halfling of tall stature

[Peregrin Took played by Billy Boyd from Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings]

Age: 36

Race: Halfling

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good

Class: Wizard

School: Enchantment

History: Perrin Greenbottle was at one point just like any other Halfling. He lived in his hole in the Hill, content to garden and eat his days away. He was quite fond of reading, spending hours a day with a good book in his favorite chair. In this life, he had been a teacher though he had been quite young. His patient and joking nature made him quite famous among his people, and also quite successful as a teacher. But things do not always stay the same.
Now, Perrin’s hole was somewhat on the outskirts of the Hill. In fact, quite near to his garden was the edge of a forest. And so one day, as he was gardening, a woman appeared at the edge of the forest. The woman was feral looking, with bright blue hair and leaves making a dress on her. Though she had startled him, he was the one who felt the need to be calm and slow so as not to scare her away. He crept towards the woman, wondering what had brought her here. But as he drew near, she spooked like a deer and ran back into the forest. It was months before she showed herself again, but in that time Perrin became obsessed. The thought of this woman never left him. He became distracted from his work, his usual focus was gone. Then she showed herself again and this time he was ready.
As she came out of the wood, Perrin walked toward her. He kept his gait slow and even and his eyes locked on hers. As he drew near, this feral woman growled at him. She eyed him and assumed an offensive stance. Every instinct told Perrin he should just go inside and forget this nonsense. Halflings don’t go on adventures! But his obsession wouldn’t let him listen. And as he drew almost within arms reach, she bolted again. So this time he followed her. He took what he could from his home: several books, a few sets of clothes, a walking stick, and some food. He flew into the wood determined to find her, but try as he might he could not. He looked and looked for days, but she was nowhere. Then one day he came across a wandering tribe in this wood. A wandering tribe of Halflings.
He spent months with them, learning that this was where the woman had come from. She was a druid among these people, shepherd of nature. But that was not his path. And so he learned what he could among these people. He learned of things he had never imagined back in that hole in the Hill. He learned histories of the world long forgotten. He learned of geography, and of the religions outside of the Halfling pantheon. But most importantly, he learned of magic. He learned to manipulate reality to do his bidding. The elements, the very world, were at his command. And he learned to imbue things with his magic to create items with fantastic properties. He learned to use magic to control even other people. He used his newfound magic to create a multitude of items for himself. His greatest creations were his staff, which replaced his walking stick, a book, which never leaves his side, and his Glasses of True Seeing. And thus armed he began his adventure.
He has walked, ridden horse, sat in carts, and all manner of travel. He has seen much of the world, and done what he could to help it. But recently he has heard tale of a group. A group dedicated to exactly what he’s been doing. This group is known as the Collective, and Perrin Greenbottle will be one of them. For his journey across the world will be long and it’s better if it isn’t lonely. And one day he will return to that Tribe in the wood and he will find his love again. But for now, destiny calls.

Signature Power: Magic that assaults the mind. He prefers to control his enemies, but when necessary he resorts to destruction. His favorite combat spells are Psychic Hammer and Charm monster. Out of direct combat, he uses his magic to create magical items, of which he has an arsenal.

Signature Style: He looks fairly average for a Wizard. He wears a dark blue robe, and walks with the “aid” of a staff. His enchanted book hangs from a strap on his belt. His hair is light brown and always cut. He wears a pair of glasses that let him read several languages he does not know.
“Oh, but none of those stupid pointy hats! Gah, I hate them. I wear hoods when I need to cover my head. Like a normal person!” - Perrin.