Wednesday, May 2, 2018

In space, no one can hear you meow.

*I know you may have already seen this out there but...
In space, no one can hear you meow.

Easily the most beloved movie cat of all time is Jonesy, the resident feline aboard the USCSS Nostromo in Ridley Scott’s Alien. Thanks to a little help from Ellen Ripley, Jonesy survives the events of Alien, going on to make a brief appearance in Aliens. But did you ever wonder how Jonesy perceived the events of Alien?!

Author Rory Lucey presents that story in the upcoming Jonesy: Nine Lives on the Nostromo, a full-color, illustrated book that offers a cat’s eye view of all the terror!

“Aboard the USCSS Nostromo, Jonesy leads a simple life enjoying The Company cat food and chasing space rodents. Until one day, his cryostasis catnap is rudely interrupted. The humans have a new pet and it’s definitely not housetrained.”

The book is due out via Titan Books on October 16.