Saturday, August 21, 2021

After several days of work I am proud to say the “Lumpy-cade” is finished! It is setup to have 2 players arcade style with the option for 2 more players with add on controllers. I have worked it up to play several systems including arcade machines. The unit has built in wifi as well as a ethernet jack to be able to update or change out any games or audio. I put in full stereo bass amplified speakers with sound activated lights around the 20inch screen with a separate light system behind the marquee. Both light systems are remote control so I can modify the colors or other settings. I do want to thank my dad for helping me with the core construction and having fun in the shop with me… and I want to thank my wifey for putting up with me spending so much time in the workshop and for naming the arcade unit. Now to just figure out what game to play first!🤘😁🤘

Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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