Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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When you wake up from a nap and you dont remember where you are for a moment.🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Was sorting through my desk drawer and found my old Dell Pocket DJ mp3 player. Powered it up and it still has 967 songs on it! 🤣 I remember back in the day having a mp3 player in your pocket.and having to load your songs into it by plugging it in to your computer.
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Mazy has found Roe’s new nappy spot and came to visit him😁💕
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Sunday, January 30, 2022
When you and the wifey bond on a new level… Staplers!😁💕
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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The wife from the other room sends me a message with a few pictures. Then she asks… if Minions are approx 3 foot 7, wouldn’t that make Gru about 14 foot 8? This then expanded on a conversation oh how tall would Gru’s adopted kids be??? 🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Awesome thrift store find for $1.49!!! A brand new, all wood, Shut The Box! Just had to buy it and add it to my collection. Woohoo!
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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A person called OwlKitty changed the Business Card scene from “American Psycho” to the guys showing each other pictures of their cats on their phones… and it could possibly be the greatest masterpiece ever😭😂
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Watching some battlebots while I wait for the wifey to get home.
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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When someone at work tries to tell you how to do your job.🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Well that’s a way to add salt into a wound🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Goose relaxing enjoying the heat coming from the furnace🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Thursday, January 27, 2022
Wifey was looking for a different word game app and decided to sprin through the app store and install whatever app she landed on… dont procrastorbate…just read the awesome reviews 🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Weird Al, with Fran Drescher, in his 1989 movie UHF. For those who aren’t yet getting mail from AARP, low-budget Ultra High Frequency television stations used to feature local wannabe performers, and show things the networks didn’t want, such as Mexican wrestling.
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Wifey doing some college homework and her study buddy; Lavvy expresses her exact thoughts!🤣
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Wifey kicking my arse at Shut The Box🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Playing some Shut The Box with the wifey! We love playing this game with the homemade board I made in my workshop. A ton of fun!!🎲😁🎲
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Watch “Ghostbusters Afterlife Final Battle Scene” on YouTube
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Watch “The Elder Scrolls Online: Legacy of the Bretons - Cinematic Announcement Trailer” on YouTube
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Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Wifey decided to put a twist on our Mexican style dinner this evening. She made lentil tacos. I thought they were ok, but she loved them. 😁Oh well I guess it never hurts to try new things.
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Watch “Choir! Choir! Choir!/David Byrne sings David Bowie "Heroes” in NYC!“ on YouTube
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Monday, January 24, 2022
I’m having too much fun creating gifs🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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I made a gif and laughed too hard at it… but then had to make a reply to my gif to continue laughing at myself while the wifey looked in wondering if I was ok🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Hoban and Mazy decided to get all comfy in daddy’s spot. Now I dont have the heart to move them.🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Sunday, January 23, 2022
Watched the long awaited sequel to the original al 1979 Grizzly, Grizzly 2 the Revenge. Filming originally started in 1983 but wasnt completed. It was recently finalized and released in 2021. Let’s just say that the parts they added to it recently to make it a full film were more hokie than the original al 80’s portion. 🤣 Geroge Clooney, Laura Dern, and Charlie Sheen had the classic cliche 80’s teenager roles. John Rhys-Davies stole the movie if you ask me as Bouchard. The movie itself was good for a early 80s flick and as it was meant to be scary, I could help but laugh at points.. especially with the grizzly’s death at the end. “Is that part of the show?… Why yes, yes it is” LMAO!🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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