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https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/veronica/ |
My review:Ok well first off the promo that said it was the scariest movie to hit Netflix... well that wasn't true in my book. It was a little slow in points. It was a ok movie, but overall it didn't hold my full attention for the entire movie.
I give this one a 5 out of 10.
Movie story line: Madrid, June of 1991. Verónica is a teenage girl surpassed by the circumstances after her father died recently, her mother works in a bar all day and she must care for her three siblings, twin girls Lucía and Irene and the youngest Antoñito. Still mourning for her father's death, Verónica decides to play Ouija with her friends Rosa and Diana, taking advantage a total solar eclipse where all classmates and teachers are on the school's rooftop watching it. Alone in the cellar, the girls try to contact their recent deceased family members, but the session goes wrong and something happens to Verónica. She hid from her mother what has happened, Verónica starts to feel strange presences inside the house and fears that these ghosts are a threat to any of her siblings. Advised by Sister Narcisa (nicknamed by the children as Sister Death) about the sinister spirit which is close to her, Verónica looking for a way to break the contact with the ghost and save everyone, suffering hallucinations ...
It’s the only police report which is, according to The Sun, marked as “unexplained”.
It revolves around a teenage girl named Estafania Gutierrez Lazaro, who died suddenly in August 1991 - with her parents convinced it had something to do with her interest in Ouija boards.
They told the police that when the boyfriend of one of Estafania’s friends died in a motorcycle accident, a group held a seance at school to try and contact him.It was interrupted by a teacher, after which Estafania’s parents claimed that they all saw a strange swirling smoke enter her nose and mouth. She began having seizures and hallucinations just days later. No doctors could find anything wrong with her, and no diagnosis could ever be given. Meanwhile Estafania’s heath deteriorated and her seizures and hallucinations intensified until she ultimately passed away. The parents then claimed that over subsequent months, doors in the house would slam of their own accord, shadowy figures would be spotted lurking, and - with no explanation whatsoever - a photo of their daughter burst into flames.