Monday, June 14, 2021

At 9:48pm saturday evening my heart was taken out of my chest. The wifey wasn’t feeling well...

At 9:48pm saturday evening my heart was taken out of my chest. The wifey wasn’t feeling well this morning and had some stomach pain. She thought it could have been just something she ate, constipation, or something else like that. Ended up that I had to rush her to the ER. After doing blood work and a CT scana surgeon came in and told her they needed to take her for emergency surgery to tale out her appendix. Before you know it they had her prepped, paperwork signed and wheeling the love of my life and my heart off out of the room. I asked after they took her how bad it was and if it had ruptured. They just gave me a solemn look and told me that the surgery needed to be done now and someone would be back to talk to me after the surgery was done. Now I sit her in a dimly lit empty waiting area nervously awaiting the “all good” from someone. Before they took her, wifey was more upset about possibly having to miss college classes than she was about getting the surgery. (Could have been just still in shock with the news being thrown at her needing the surgery). I am not usually one to post huge emotional posts on here, but she is my world!

[[UPDATE]] Surgeon just came out and told me wifey is out of surgery and in recovery room. I can’t see her for another 45 minutes to a hour. The surgeon said her appendix had ruptured and that they feel they got it all out and cleaned for her.

[[Update to Update]] Wifey gets to go home finally after 3 days! She has some restrictions, but at least she gets to be home with me and the fur kids.💕💕

Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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