Saturday, March 31, 2018
Before I slumber
Friday, March 30, 2018
Lazjama's Archives
Email me for inquiries.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Rations for various RPG Races









Life of the "Party"
Scoots the Floor Paperclip
One day while walking to the restroom at work I noticed a paperclip on the floor. I initially didn't think anything about it until the days progressed on.
This paperclip wasn't all deformed by overuse or such. It was just a normal silver paperclip laying on the floor. Later that day as I went to leave work Scoots, ( the quirky name I decided to give him ) was still on the floor but just a little further across the way. The next day when I cam back in and got out of the elevator Scoots was laying there on the floor to greet me. I stepped over him and went on my way. Later that day as I went to lunch Scoots had moved close to the edge of the overlook, but was still hanging out. This meandering of Scoots back and forth along the whole long section of cos way went on for days. I could have picked him up, but I wanted to see how long this went on for. Heck one day he almost made it to the stairwell, which is a good distance for a paperclip to shuffle to with no visible legs.
After 3 weeks of Scoots adventures back and forth I came into work on a Monday and Scoots wasn't anywhere I could see. Did he venture on to a area I don't commonly travel to explore new lands? Did someone pick him up? If they did pick him up, did they rejoin him with his clip family amongst the documents of Ole holding files like his ancestors? Did they throw him in the bin like a common item of trash? Or did someone take him to turn him into a elaborate paperclip animal in a sort of personal reincarnation?
Scoots Dclip you will be missed (2018 - 2018)
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Before I slumber
Dream a little dream. Let your mind explore and express itself with in the realm of your imagination while your body rests and recharges for the new day that comes.
The hardest part of the day...
Just a random thought about mornings. To me the hardest part of the day is waking up. Not because I'm still tired, lazy, or ill... but because it means I would have to get ready for work to leave her side. Every moment apart is a moment I yearn to be back by her side.
Before I Slumber
Have you hugged your cat, or in the case of my house numerous cats, today? Remember to show them love, they are family too.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Upcoming Kung Fury Feature Film
Insticnt (TV Series) Review
Before I Slumber.
Always make sure that the last thing she hears before she sleeps is that you love her and seal it with a kiss, (and for extra emphasis... a kiss to the forehead) This way she dreams of you.
In the morning make sure to reminder here again so the first thing she hears is you love here to start her day right.
Deadpool Monopoly (Review)
First off I have to say in our house Monopoly is more of my wife Saun's game of choice, but I still really enjoy playing it.
This edition of the game revamped for Deadpool had a humorous collage of characters from the comic book series as your mercs (properties) to purchase. The draw card piles gave a laughs with things like "Winning 895th place in a beauty contest, collect $15" and several more.
The game was fun for Monopoly and had the extra laughs of the humor generated from the Deadpool rants and jokes as you went.
Overall I give the game a 9 out of 10 (10 being difficult for me to give to almost any game). This being said, a 9 is really good!
If your a Monopoly and Deadpool fan this definitely a good gaming grab for fun and laughs.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Starting off the mornings right.
It just makes my day when I'm able to make Saun a cup of coffee, give her a morning kiss on her forehead, and tell her I love her each morning.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Watching I Kill Giants.
Solaria World Map
I have been working on the fantasy world of my childhood imagination for some time now. This map is a representation of the world so far from the memories and notes of Solaria from over the years.