Watch “Joker Music Video - How the Gods Kill - Danzig” on YouTube
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Wifey was awarded a scholarship for college where she is studying to get her nursing degree. I’m so proud of her!
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Yesterday Shiva decided to join me while I worked.😁💕
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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I’m not sure what all the hub-bub is about. “I cant see” why this is on discount.🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Tonight out of all places, Aldis had a classic Data East handheld game console with over 300 games on it. It had several DE classics like Bad Dudes and Burger Time on it. I of course had to get it since they had it on half price sale!🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Couldnt help but share a little Belgium rock for you all. If there can be Dwarven Metal (which is awesome by the way!) Why cant there be Gnomish Rock as well! You just have to check out there album Father of Time if you like this little ditty. I bid your ears a well wishing as I crawl back under my rock.🤓
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Sunday, April 24, 2022
Mazy playing my worlds smallest Atari while Roe waits his turn😁
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Wifey evidently had a long day and drifted off to sleep and Hoban decided to keep watch.😁💕
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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A little more digging into boxes of my old stuff from when I was younger. Today I found two hand held games from Tiger Electronics… 1988’s Pit-Fighter and 1990’ Snake’s Revenge! And bonus… I found 3 of my Noids!!!🤘😁🤘
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Saturday, April 23, 2022
Just a random picture of Roe chilling with daddy😁💕
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Goose was sun bathing in the window hammock cleaning his talons and didnt notice me creeping on him.🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Welp it was that time of year again… our yearly yard sale. This picture just happens to be half way through the second day of the sale. We had soooooo many people stop buy and buy some of our old stuff!😁👍
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Random hat on my aunt’s. I’m pretty sure I could pull this look off when out in public with the wifey… even if she cant stop trying to pretend she doesn’t know me.🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Thursday, April 21, 2022
Recieved a new post card in the mail today. It just happened to be from Russia. It took a while to get here, like they usually do from that part of the world. It is a beautiful card. I love sending and receiving post cards from around the world!😁
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Hoban was down in the laundry room thos evening freaking me out a little. He keep staring at something that wasnt there and following it all over the place. I watch for a good long while and could not find anything. He would occasionally plan around like he was playing with another cat and then stop and stare again for a while. Silly Hoban and his ghost cat friend.🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
My old Hobbit cassette boxset. The tapes are still in mint condition. Not sure if I should let it go for the right price or just horde it away like Smaug with his coin.🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Wifey was sorting through stuff to get ready for our upcoming yard sale and came across a gem. My complete mint condition 1987 Topps baseball card set. Complete 792 card run plus the extra box top cards.😁
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Tuesday, April 19, 2022
I dediced to conduct a random experiment by taking a picture of myself every morning. So for the past several weeks I have been taking a selfie and I decided to make a slide show of my progress so far. You can definitely tell the days that I’m not on top of my game. Cant wait to see how a whole year ends out.
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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2nd movie of the evening, Tucker and Dale Vs Evil. A classic comedy piece of gold! Wifey and I can recite every line! We die laughing everytime we watch it🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Lounging and enjoying a 80’s classic… Mannequin 😁
Hollywood was such a hoot!🤣
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Monday, April 18, 2022
Found this classic in a box of my old stuff that was still at my parents house.😁
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Playing a little classic 1941 on my PSP.
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Mazy seems to be all tuckered out from some sort of shenanigans 🤣
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What it feels like talking about our day at the dinner table🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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There evidently was a meeting I was not aware of in the dinning room this morning.🤣
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Sunday, April 17, 2022
Roe taking a nap in his usual spot at my side of the sofa.😁💕
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Gias evidently thought there was something urgent he needed to look outside and check on.🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Just a random picture of me and the wifey 😁💕
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Noticed a farie flower ring in the yard beside the drive way today.😁
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Surprised mom with the clock I made her. It was a simple design, but she loved it nonetheless which made it all worth while to me😁💕
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Woke up to wifey out in her studio enjoying a coffee and some creative😁💕
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Saturday, April 16, 2022
Just a few random pictures of some of my kiddos. (Lavy, Goose, Gias, and Hoban)😁💕
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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What do you do when your workshop door keeps closing on, you have scrap wood, and some random hardware?? You make a dang door stop!🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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On a video call with wifey and Harry and Lloyd decided to try and join in. Let’s just say, they spooked her and she couldnt stop laughing🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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Decided to goof off and make a wooden sword and buckler to defend the wifey from nah sayers. Lmao!!!!🤣
Yet another post from Robsdeskwv
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