Friday, January 4, 2019

Once Upon A Deadpool (2018) Review

Fist off.. What in the literal ass??? The wife and I attempted to sit down and watch this PG-13 version of Deadpool 2. "No, nope, noo.... hell no.", was the response that Saun conveyed. We both agree that this was a waste of time and a shameless plot to try and down plan the actual humor and violence that is Deadpool. Like it is no longer "Straight shirt cocking it"  to the new family friendly "Full on Winnie the Poohing it". This is a shame that they even released this. It screams out the lame attempt to try and make the case that Deadpool can be funny and not be rated R, but thats what makes it. There are so many parts of the bit we watched that were so dumbed down to fit the PG-13.The only part we did like was the Fred Savage Deadpool interaction portions. Please just put this out to pasture and keep Wade with a R. If you enjoyed this, good for you and your sensitive self. Its like watching a movie like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and there being no blood, no f-bomb, and no death scenes. This seems like a Lifetime TV Special Movie version you watch when your sad and sitting in the dark consoling your self with a tub of Ben and Jerry's and a big spoon sobbing about your personal life. 

Its like if The Beatles were produced by Nickleback!

Overall we give this move (if you call it that) a 1 out of 10, and it only even gets that "1" because it is Deadpool and there was Fred Savage in it. 

Please just go watch the full actual Deadpool 2 movie and enjoy the splendor that is Wade.